Marine Reports/Articles

Guana Island Marine Science Month Proposal 2011

Guana Island Marine Science Month Report & Proposal

2010 Guana Fieldwork Report- Vermetid Worm-Snail Diversity (and Preliminary Survey of Overall Molluscan Diversity

Project Summaries August 2009 Marine Science Month Light-Temperature Monitoring, Seagrasses, Macroalgae, and Benthic Macrofauna

Science Week For Kids On Guana

Marine Science Month Program Report 2009-2011

Guana Island Marine Science Report 2006 - 2008

Guana Island Marine Science Month Report 2004-2005

Guana Island Marine Science Report 2001 - 2002

Marine Invertebrate Survey of Guana Island - 2000

1992 Marine Science Report

1996 Marine Science Report

1995 Marine Science Report

1994 Marine Science Report

1992 Marine Science Report

Coral Transplantation the Simple and Cheap Solution to Reef Restoration

Population dynamics of Acropora palmata at Guana Island, British Virgin Islands

Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics

Pseudalpheopsis guana gen. nov., sp. nov. (Crustacea: Decapoda), a New Alpheid Shrimp from the British Virgin Islands, Caribbean Sea

Observations on the Systematics and Biology of a Tumid Gastropod Assemblage in The British Virgin Islands